Trial ends 1st January 2020
Catalogue record, available from: Donetsk and Luhansk Newspaper Collection (TRIAL).
Rare newspapers from the self-proclaimed republics
The Donetsk and Luhansk Newspaper Collection incorporates 10 rare newspapers from the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk (Lugansk, in local spelling) regions of Ukraine. Both the Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic were established as independent state entities after local referendums organized by the separatist leaders were conducted in May 2014. Following their declaration of independence from Ukraine, the pro-Russian insurgents took over the media, both independent and formerly government-run, thereby influencing the information flow to and from territories under their control. These new governments and their backers also created new media outlets, with limited circulation, but with a much tighter agenda reflecting the war-time mood.
With sources primarily in Russian, this database allows analysts and researchers unprecedented access to articles and reports from these insurgent regions at the most important and critical junctures. Coverage includes the period of military hostilities between the unrecognized states and the government of Ukraine (2013-2015) and contain valuable research material for anyone studying the development of separatist movements in this part of the world.
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Catalogue record, available from: China Statistical Yearbooks – new updated version.
This trial is to the updated version (until Dec 2020). Access is still available to the older version, however data will no longer be updated in the old version from 2020
The updated version has a greater volume of resources (see table below), enhanced functionality, and new tools for data analysis.

CSYD contains all important statistical yearbooks published by Mainland China presses from 1949- . It includes various kinds of census and survey data, and statistical charts sources from over 25,000 volumes of important statistical yearbooks. The yearbooks are classified by industry, district and type. China statistical yearbooks also contains large number of progress indicators, and international data.

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Catalogue record, available via: U.K. Parliamentary Papers.
Once on the landing page for this resource, select “Advanced Search” and Public Petitions to Parliament, 1833-1918 will appear to be selected for searching.
- Every petition accepted by Parliament between 1833-1918
- Analyze issues of importance to both UK populace and Parliament
- Full integration to UK Parliamentary Papers for a full view of the issue
Petitioning was by far the most popular form of political participation, but it has long been overlooked by historians and social scientists preoccupied with elections and election rituals, campaigns to extend the right to vote, and the rise of national political parties. The utility to scholars of public petitions is not just limited to political historians studying the groundswell of public pressure for the expansion of the voting franchise.
This resource contains petitions on:
ecclesiastical issues, crime and criminals, colonies, taxation, education, and on every other issue of interest to the populace of Britain.
This project appeals to: social, cultural, and religious scholars of Britain. From religious scholars interested on Methodism and the Church of England, scientists concerned with pollution and pollution controls during the Industrial Revolution, and sociologists concerned with how these issues were influenced by and influenced the People.
Users will be able to analyze the social, geographical, religious, and gender compositions of these issues of importance to Britons and allow for detailed textual and rhetorical analysis of the petitions. It will allow researchers to exploit new sources on the formative role of petitions to Parliament during the nineteenth century (1833-1918), an unparalleled period of political modernization and democratization in Britain.
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Catalogue record, available from: South Asia Open Archives.
The South Asia Open Archives (SAOA), a subset of the South Asia Materials Project (SAMP), creates and maintains a collection of open access materials for the study of South Asia. This major collaborative initiative is aimed at addressing the current scarcity of digital resources pertinent to South Asia studies and at making collections more widely accessible to researchers worldwide.
This archive includes nearly 350,000 page images!
Researchers can explore by language, with 13 languages represented, covering: Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Japanese, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
There are 4 collections within the archive to explore:
- Caste and Social structure: Primary and secondary sources (monographs, pamphlets, periodicals) providing a broad range of perspectives for the study of caste and social structure.
- Literature: Materials reflecting South Asia’s literary history, including creative works (fiction, poetry, drama), literary criticism, literary biographies and periodicals, and reference works devoted to literature (bibliographies, encyclopedias and dictionaries).
- Social and Economic History: Primary and secondary sources reflecting the economic and social life and social structures of the region, including popular culture, periodicals and newspapers, gazetteers, government documents and official publications such as census reports, legislative and administrative reports, and statistical reports on trade.
- Women and Gender: Primary and secondary materials (including monographs, pamphlets, and magazines) by, for and about women, and important issues related to their lives and roles in society, including on women’s education, health, and religion.

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Catalogue record, available from: Storybox.
Imagine the best stories being read aloud to you by our favourite storytellers – well that’s Story Box Library!
Storybox gets kids excited about reading, inspires their imaginations and lets them have fun with stories, improving their language and literacy skills along the way.
With an ever-growing library, suitable for preschool and primary aged children, it really is Storytime, Anytime!
Story time can be used to facilitate discussion in learning environments, to complement a story time or a read aloud
- Story Box Library focuses solely on local stories and voices
- Our library now consists of over 200 stories
- Each story comes with tailored Classroom Notes and/or At Home Activities that are specifically created for the Australian curriculum, further connecting children to the themes of each story.
- Our storytellers are chosen to ensure a broad range of voices, ages, gender and backgrounds to ensure diversity.
- We regularly add new stories, currently 40-60 each year.
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Catalogue record, available from: PBMG.
The Women’s Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Medicines Guide (PBMG) is a quick reference guide for healthcare professionals that provides practical and unbiased specialised information on medicine use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Access to current and unbiased information anytime, anywhere on any internet-enabled device
Summarises key findings and provides detailed, practical recommendations on the use of medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding to support the clinical decision making process
All available information is fully referenced; peer reviewed and is constantly updated.
Downloadable medicine fact sheets for patients
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Catalogue record, available from: Artprice.
The world leader in Art Market Information.
Artprice includes Auction databases, Marketplace information, Market News, Artprice together with ArtMarketInsight.
Artprice’s press agency, publishes several times a year its exclusive Art Market reports.
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Catalogue record, available from: Annual Plant Reviews Online.
Annual Plant Reviews Online is a reference work from Wiley’s Online Library.
It is a unique resource, an authoritative and growing collection of peer-reviewed plant science articles published in an electronic format.
With roughly 20 volumes of new content that have been digitised, Annual Plant Reviews online covers a spectrum of topics relating to pure and applied aspects of plant and crop science.
The remit of Annual Plant Reviews online is to publish topical, high-quality, research-focused reviews, commissioned from leading plant scientists around the world by members of the international Editorial Board. It is designed to be an invaluable resource for plant and crop scientists, and for professionals in all aspects of plant biology and crop improvement.
Topics covered by this resource include:
-Agricultural science
-Cell biology
-Ecology, biodiversity and systematics
-Food, nutrition and health
-Genetics and development
-Microbial sciences
-Omic sciences and technologies
-Plant and crop science
-Tools, technologies and methods
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Catalogue record, available from: The Nautical Magazine Library Collection.
The Nautical Magazine first appeared in 1832, published monthly at the price of one shilling. It aimed to advance ‘the safety of seamen’, with a focus on the merchant marine, and a readership of professional seafarers. The founding editor, A. B. Becher (1796–1876), served for many years under the distinguished hydrographer Sir Francis Beaufort, and the magazine reflected Beaufort’s interests by reporting on new charts, research on weather and the oceans, astronomy and navigation, and statistics on wrecks and the Lifeboat Institution.
The content regularly included serialised accounts of voyages, descriptions of distant countries, notes on new shipping regulations, and discussion of the latest technologies. There were also reports on current affairs such as (during the Victorian period) the searches for Sir John Franklin’s lost Arctic expedition, the Crimean War and the Suez Canal project.
Astute editorial decisions ensured that the content mirrored the evolving concerns of readers, enabling ‘the Nautical’ to remain popular for nearly two centuries. It is a fascinating source of data, news and opinions for maritime, economic and social historians, genealogists, and shipping enthusiasts.
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Catalogue record, available from: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History has over 140 articles and summaries available, providing in-depth overviews of the major areas of research and will continue to grow with the field over time.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History is a dynamic, innovative, comprehensive, self-reflexive online research encyclopedia, which provides access to state-of-the-art research and also connects readers to the full range of internet resources for research and teaching, including audio, visual, video materials, digitized archives, and other primary sources.
Some extracts from the Editor in Chief David Ludden on the ORE of Asian History:
“In standard school-book geography, Asia is a continent connected to Europe that includes Russia east of the Urals, the Caucasus, and Middle East. But in international affairs and world area studies, including History, it is a changing collection of states and cultural regions east of Iran, excluding the Caucasus and Middle East, and in some recent versions also all of Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and even Afghanistan and Pakistan. In popular discourse, Asia always excludes Russia, the Caucasus, and Middle East. In Europe and the UK, Asia commonly centers on India, but in the United States, it centers on China. In the US, being Asian usually means having traits typical in East Asia, but in Europe and the UK, most Asians are from South Asia.
This confusing mixture of territorial definitions is an intellectual legacy of Asian Studies from the days of imperialism, nationalism, orientalism, and Cold War; now it is certainly archaic, as are disciplinary separations of History from social sciences and the isolation of histories of science, art, technology, architecture, archaeology, music, health, medicine, environment, and other subjects. The internet allows disparate fields and approaches to be interconnected as never before; it can foster new conversations and collaborations. The ORE can connect specialists in new ways, forming new intellectual spaces, for example, among area specialists separated by oceans and continents. The ORE provides a way to overcome the current disconnect of Asian History from processes of globalization and worldwide Asian migrations…”
“As it evolves, the ORE of Asian History will cover the entire sweep of Asian history in its broadest definition, from prehistory to the present and into the future.”
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Number of posts found: 89