The Encyclopedia of Ancient History
Catalogue record, available from: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History.
Unmatched in scholarship and diversity, The Encyclopedia of Ancient History is the definitive reference work for the study of the ancient world. This work is written and edited by an internationally diverse team of editors and contributors. It provides clear, concise, definitions and explanations of the key people, places, and events in ancient history. This encyclopedia spans the late Bronze Age through the seventh century CE, covering the entire ancient Mediterranean world including the Near East and Egypt. New content is published twice a year (summer and winter), with over 100 new articles per year.
Topics covered: Ancient Near East, Biographies of Classical Scholars, Bronze and Iron Age, Byzantium, Christianity, Classical Greece, Economy, Greco-Roman Egypt, Hellenistic World, Historiography, Jewish History, Late Antiquity, Law, Pharaonic Egypt, Places – East, Places – West, Religion, Roman Empire, Roman Intellectual and Cultural History, Roman Military History, Roman Republic, Science, Social History.
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